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How Can I Fight Jury Bias in My Illinois Criminal Case?

 Posted on February 07, 2025 in Criminal Defense

Chicago, IL Felony Offense LawyerDefendants have the right to have their cases heard by a jury of their peers, but what happens if that is not possible? When people report for jury duty, both the defense and prosecution can question them to understand whether they might have something in their background that would make them judge the defendant based on anything other than the facts of the case. However, sometimes there are unknown biases that do not come to light from pretrial questioning and can impact the outcome of the case. To understand more about how you can fight jury bias in your criminal case, speak with an experienced Illinois criminal defense lawyer.

What is Jury Bias?

Jury bias can take many forms. Sometimes, jurors have subconscious prejudices against defendants who are accused of certain crimes. Other times, they might be influenced by social media, news reports, what their friends tell them, or their personal experiences with law enforcement and the justice system. In high-profile cases, exposure to pretrial publicity can also lead jurors to have strong opinions about the case before a trial even begins.

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Can You Face Prostitution Solicitation Charges for Hiring an Escort?

 Posted on January 23, 2025 in Criminal Defense

Chicago, IL Criminal LawyerIn Illinois, the legal difference between hiring an escort and hiring a prostitute is mainly based on the services provided and the specific intentions involved. While both involve paying for companionship, they can be treated differently under the law. If you have questions about solicitation charges, speak with an experienced Illinois criminal defense lawyer who can review your case and explain your options.

What Happens When You Hire an Escort?

If you hire an escort, it typically means you are paying someone for their companionship. People can hire escorts to accompany them to a social gathering, join them on a trip, or provide their company in any other scenario, without any explicit arrangement involving sexual services. As long as there is no exchange of money for sex, escort services are legal. If, however, the escort offers sexual services in addition to companionship as part of the paid arrangement, it could be considered prostitution, which is illegal.

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Hate Crimes as Aggravating Factors in Illinois Sentencing

 Posted on January 09, 2025 in Criminal Defense

Chicago, IL Hate Crime Defense LawyerIllinois treats hate crimes particularly seriously and charges can result in harsher penalties compared to similar crimes that are not motivated by bias. When a defendant is convicted of a hate crime, the judge can use the defendant’s motivation as an aggravating factor, leading to a more severe sentence. If you are facing criminal charges for an offense that could be considered a hate crime, speak with a qualified Chicago, IL criminal defense attorney about how it could impact your potential sentence and what you can do about it.

What is Considered a Hate Crime?

When a person or group seems to be targeted based on their religious affiliation, ethnicity, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability, it is typically considered a hate crime. For example, if a place of worship, like a church, mosque, or synagogue, is vandalized, it can often be treated as a hate crime because the act targets a specific religious group. The motivation behind the alleged crime is the key to a hate crime charge. For someone to be convicted, the prosecution needs to prove that the person intended to harm the victim because of their identity or group affiliation.

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Defending Against Attempted Murder Charges in Illinois

 Posted on December 23, 2024 in Criminal Defense

Chicago, IL Criminal LawyerAttempted murder is one of the most serious charges you can face. When charged in Illinois, you could end up spending decades in prison. If you are accused of attempted murder, it is crucial to work with a skilled Illinois criminal defense lawyer who is dedicated to protecting your rights and safeguarding your future.

What Does Attempted Murder Mean in Illinois?

Under Illinois law, attempted murder occurs when someone does something substantial with the intention to kill another person. The key elements of this crime are intent to kill and a substantial step taken to do so. To be charged with attempted murder, the intended victim does not need to be harmed in any way; the attempt alone can result in charges.

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How Can the Castle Doctrine Impact an Illinois Criminal Case?

 Posted on December 11, 2024 in Criminal Defense

Cook County, IL Criminal LawyerIn Illinois, people are legally allowed to defend themselves from intruders in their homes. While this idea, known as the Castle Doctrine, may seem straightforward, it becomes complicated when the person protecting his home ends up using a deadly weapon against someone he considers a threat. Is the Castle Doctrine enough to keep you out of jail after you open fire on another person? Is it a strong enough defense to avoid a criminal conviction for using deadly force? To learn more, speak with an accomplished Chicago, IL criminal defense lawyer.

What is The Castle Doctrine?

Based on the idea that a person’s home is their "castle" and you do not need to retreat if you are attacked in your own space, the Castle Doctrine states that you have the right to use force if someone enters your home unlawfully or tries to harm you or your family. This force can even be deadly if the situation calls for it. You are under no obligation to flee from the threat. Instead you are rather authorized to confront it.

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Differences Between Aggravated and Misdemeanor Battery

 Posted on November 22, 2024 in Criminal Defense

IL defense lawyerAggravated battery is a serious violent felony. This kind of conviction can leave a black mark on your record that will follow you for the rest of your life. You might be seen as a dangerous person by potential future employers, landlords, or others who require a criminal background check. You could be denied a lot of future opportunities. However, most aggravated batteries occur between people who know each other or have some type of relationship, and many involve some degree of provocation. If you are facing aggravated assault or battery charges, you need an experienced Chicago, IL felony assault and battery lawyer immediately.

Aggravated Battery Involves Serious Bodily Harm

Batteries that do not result in significant injuries are generally handled as misdemeanors. For example, if you pushed a victim into a wall without injuring him or threw a cup of water onto someone, that would likely be considered simple battery. If the victim needed medical treatment, you are likely going to be charged with aggravated battery. The injuries do not need to be life-threatening, just serious.

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Can I Be Charged With Burglary on My Own Home?

 Posted on November 08, 2024 in Criminal Defense

IL defense lawyerWhether you can be charged with burglary for entering your own home depends on whether the place you consider your home is a place where you have the legal right to be. People have been charged with and convicted of burglary for re-entering a home after moving out or being forced out, such as by a restraining order. You might also be charged with burglary if you were staying in a home but had not established legal tenancy and the legal resident had told you to leave. If you are charged with burglary for entering a place you considered to be your home, you need an experienced Chicago, IL felony defense lawyer to help you.

Orders of Protection and Burglary Charges

If your home or apartment is in your name, but your romantic partner also lives there, you could be ordered to vacate the residence if your partner obtains an order of protection. If you are ordered to vacate the residence, re-entering it could lead to not only restraining order violation charges but also burglary charges. It is rarely difficult for the state to read the intent to commit theft or a felony, such as a serious assault against your ex, into this type of unlawful entry. This is because you no longer have the legal right to be present in the home, even if you legally own it or the lease is in your name.

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Can My Mental Illness Help My Criminal Defense Case?

 Posted on October 30, 2024 in Criminal Defense

IL defense lawyerWhen someone is convicted of a crime, Illinois courts tend to take many factors into consideration when determining the specific charges and penalties. Judges examine whether there are any mitigating circumstances, or factors that might convince them to hand down a more lenient punishment than usual. These can include the defendant’s background and motives, whether he or she has shown remorse, the severity of the crime in question, and other relevant issues.

In recent years, as awareness of the impact of mental health on behavior has increased, mental illness has been included in the list of mitigating factors considered by judges when determining a sentence. While a history of psychological impairments does not mean a defendant’s charges are dropped, it can make a significant difference in the penalties he or she might face. If you have suffered from mental health issues and are facing criminal charges, contact an accomplished Cook County, IL criminal defense attorney to discuss how best to proceed.

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Can Parents Be Charged for a School Shooting by Their Child?

 Posted on October 10, 2024 in Criminal Defense

Cook County criminal defense lawyerAs school shootings continue happening across the country, law enforcement and legislators have been trying to figure out ways to stop them from happening. One strategy has been to punish parents for their child’s crime, based on the idea that the fear of criminal charges could motivate parents to take more responsibility and take preventative steps.

A recent case out of Michigan in which the parents of a school shooter were convicted of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to 10-15 years in prison has highlighted the developing trend to punish parents for their children’s actions. Their minor child was sentenced to life in prison without parole. While this is only the first time parents have been convicted for a school shooting that their child perpetrated, the case raises questions about the parents’ rights vs. their liability in such situations. Speak with a knowledgeable Chicago, IL criminal defense attorney to learn more.

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Charges for Shaking a Baby in Illinois

 Posted on September 26, 2024 in Criminal Defense

Chicago Criminal LawyerChildren and babies are susceptible to many types of accidents and injuries. When a baby dies suddenly from severe brain damage, suspicions quickly arise that the baby was shaken by a parent or caretaker. Diagnosing Shaken Baby Syndrome has become controversial due to inaccuracies, and infant death can be the result of many things aside from abuse. A recent case involving a caretaker pleading guilty to second-degree murder and getting sentenced to 14 years in prison for shaking a baby to death illustrates just how serious this can be. If grieving parents are placed under investigation and facing charges, a dedicated Chicago, IL criminal defense lawyer can represent them and aggressively defend their rights.

Diagnosing Shaken Baby Syndrome

Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) can develop when someone engages in serious child abuse by shaking, throwing, or dropping a baby. Babies’ brains are not yet fully developed and are smaller than their heads. Their neck muscles are also unable to fully support their heads. That is why shaking a baby can lead to blindness, deafness, developmental delays, learning disabilities, paralysis, seizures, and death. 

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