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Chicago Drug Trafficking Lawyer

Reputable Attorney for Drug Trafficking Charges in Chicago

There are a variety of different types of criminal charges that may apply if a person is accused of being involved in the drug trade. Some drug-related offenses may be limited to possession, although more serious charges involving drug distribution may apply if a person is accused of transferring drugs to other people. The most serious charges will often involve accusations of drug trafficking. This offense can involve a variety of activities related to the distribution of controlled substances, and it may result in both state-level and federal charges.

Because of the severity of drug crimes in Illinois, anyone who learns that they are being investigated for offenses related to drug trafficking or who has been arrested by law enforcement will need to take action to protect themselves and defend against these charges. In these situations, the Law Offices of James F. DiQuattro can take the proper steps to defend a person's rights. Our skilled criminal defense attorney can provide effective representation in state or federal courts. We work to help defendants determine the best strategies that may result in a dismissal or reduction of charges.

What Is Drug Trafficking?

Illinois law defines "controlled substance trafficking" as bringing drugs into the state for the purpose of manufacturing illegal substances or distributing them to people inside or outside of the state. While this offense will generally apply if a person transports large amounts of drugs into Illinois, it may involve any amount of drugs that are intended to be distributed to others. A person may also be charged with drug trafficking if they transport chemicals that may be used to manufacture drugs into Illinois or if they are involved in business activities in which they direct or arrange for others to transport drugs into the state.

If a person is convicted of drug trafficking, they may be sentenced to double the penalties that would apply for manufacturing or delivering the drugs in question. For example, the sentence for manufacture or delivery of between 100 and 400 grams of heroin is nine to 40 years in prison, so the sentence for trafficking this amount of heroin would be between 18 and 80 years. In addition, a person may be charged with a Class 2 felony if they are accused of using a cell phone during a drug trafficking scheme, and they may be sentenced to three to seven years in prison and fined up to $100,000.

Another charge that may accompany drug trafficking involves participation in a drug conspiracy. The offense of "calculated criminal drug conspiracy" may apply if a person engages in a drug trafficking scheme along with two other people and obtains money or property worth at least $500 as a result of the conspiracy. This offense is a Class X felony, and in addition to a sentence of six to 30 years in jail, a maximum fine of $500,000 may also be imposed.

In many cases, drug trafficking will result in federal charges. The federal government investigates and prosecutes drug offenses that involve "interstate or foreign commerce," including transporting drugs across state lines. As with other types of drug charges, the severity of an offense will be based on the types and amounts of drugs that were allegedly trafficked. For example, trafficking more than five kilograms of cocaine may result in a sentence of between 10 years and life in federal prison and a maximum fine of $10 million. The penalties will increase significantly if a person had any previous drug convictions at the state or federal level or if an offense allegedly led to someone's injury or death.

Contact Our Cook County Drug Trafficking Defense Lawyer

Drug trafficking charges can have serious consequences, and anyone who is facing these accusations should contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. Our drug crimes lawyer at the Law Offices of James F. DiQuattro has the skills and resources to help you fight these charges, whether you are being charged at the state or federal level. We understand what is at stake in these situations, and we will work hard to secure favorable results in your case. Contact us today at 312-627-9482 to schedule a free initial consultation. We will go to work right away to begin crafting a strong defense strategy on your behalf.

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